Customer Testimonials

Ryan Moore, (48)

"This snore clip has saved my marriage!

My wife and I of 23 years have not been able to sleep in the same bed because of my snoring for the past 4, and our relationship has suffered massively.

I have visited many doctors, tried a number of treatments, and I was DESPERATE.

When I found this snore clip, I thought it sounded too good to be true. You are telling me for less than $50 I can sleep silently without any invasive surgery or life-altering treatment? But boy I was suprised! Now, my wife and I are sleeping in the same bed again, and my marriage has never been better! Thank you snoreboar!"

Sharron Wells, (43)

"I can't even tell you how much it has meant to me to solve my snoring issue.

I have been a single mom for the past nine years, and I have had to work 2-3 jobs at a time to support my 3 kids.

Working these long hours made me exhausted but worst of all I could hardly ever get a good nights sleep because my snoring would wake me up during the night over and over. Now, I sleep like a baby and can get the rest I need. Every once in a while, I use an alcohol swab to clean the clips, and I have been using them for over 6 months now with no issue. My sleep has been saved!"

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